A Leap Forward for Our Little Ones: Join the Fight Against RSV!

Rundown on the Study

Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) is more than just a common cold—it’s a leading cause of hospitalization in infants and toddlers worldwide, posing a significant threat during their crucial early years. With their immune systems still developing and no prior exposure to RSV, our youngest are at the highest risk.

The CORAL study, underpinned by rigorous Phase I and II research, utilizes a genetically stable, live-attenuated RSV vaccine developed by the US National Institutes of Health (NIH). This approach mirrors the success of established vaccines against diseases like chickenpox and measles, employing a weakened version of the virus to train young immune systems safely and effectively. This Phase III trial builds on promising earlier research, testing the vaccine’s effectiveness when administered alongside routine pediatric vaccines, ensuring they work together in harmony.

What Makes This Study Special?

Targeted Protection: It focuses on a live-attenuated RSV vaccine, designed to safely introduce the immune system to the virus, mirroring the approach of successful vaccines for diseases like chickenpox and measles.

Harmonious Integration: This research is critical in demonstrating that the RSV vaccine does not interfere with the immune responses elicited by other routine vaccinations—and vice versa.

A Foundation for the Future: Success here could mean a significant stride towards a world where children are protected against a broader range of illnesses, with vaccines that work together more effectively than ever.

Who Can Participate?

We’re looking for families willing to be part of this vital research, helping us protect future generations from RSV.

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Healthy infants and toddlers approximately 6 and 12 months of age
  • Full-term birth (≥37 weeks of pregnancy)>
  • Guardians capable of ensuring participation in all study procedures

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Known or suspected immunodeficiencies
  • History of severe reactions to vaccines or their components
  • Recent receipt of immunosuppressive therapy or certain medications
Why Join the CORAL study?

Participating in the CORAL study is more than just a contribution to science; it’s a step towards better health for all children. Your involvement could help ensure that future generations have stronger, safer protection against RSV, alongside the other diseases vaccines already guard against. It’s about making a real difference, backed by a commitment to safety and progress.

Interested? Contact us today to find out if your child is eligible to participate, reach out to us. Your participation could be the key to unlocking a healthier future for children everywhere.

Join Our Study

Embark on a journey full of opportunity and progress.

  • Experience elevated healthcare
  • Sneak peek into new, developing medicines
  • No-cost medical labs and care related to the study
  • Compensation for your time and travel

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